As a Zumba Instructor for almost 12 years I often ask myself outside of the music and movement what the appeal is of a Zumba class. One of my students recently gave me some insight.
But she also pointed out to me that the magic moments of a Zumba class are when all these people come together moving in unison to the same song. As an instructor, those are the moments that make me love my job.
Thinking more about this, I realize the same principals apply to CBH. We come as we are, no dress code, everyone is welcome, no matter where you are on your Jewish journey, and we are a wonderful family, always welcoming a new face. And there so many magic moments, at music Shabbat, at Torah Study or Life Long Learning, at a Social Action or other event, where we all come together as a community. Those are the moments where we realize how special this place is and can’t wait to come back.