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Meet the CBH Board Nominees for 2022

board Nov 15, 2021

Peggy Dugan – 1st Vice President

Peggy joined CBH in early 2004 just after relocating to Summit from London. Peggy has been involved in many areas of CBH, including teaching kindergarten/1st grade in the religious school, cooking with the teens, running the Shabbat morning breakfasts, and helping Michael Hyman organize the High Holidays. Her eldest child studied for her bat mitzvah at CBH (but had the service in Florida), and her twin boys became bnai mitzvah at CBH. Peggy is very excited to be joining the board as 1st Vice President. Peggy and her husband, Terry, live in Summit and are empty nesters. She looks forward to when her kids and grand dogs come to visit!

Daniel Pearlman – Communications Chair

My wife, three children, and I joined CBH in 2019, shortly after my father passed away and we moved to Summit. CBH has helped our family remember my father and preserve our Jewish heritage. I hope my own involvement with CBH will help my children appreciate the importance...


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