What happened at Religious School - 2/27/21
In place of Religious School on Zoom, this Saturday we celebrated Purim in the CBH Parking Lot. The festivities followed the Four Mitzvot of Purim (Gifts for the poor/Matanot l’evyonim, a festive meal, reading the Megillah, and Mishloach Manot) The families that participated:
- Made signs for their windshields saying “Happy Purim” for their windshields
- For Matanot l’evyonim/Gifts for the poor:
- Decorated reusable bags to bring food from home for the GRACE food pantry in Summit
- Discussed Maimonides’ Levels of Giving, with each family ranking them and placing their answers on the windshield
- For Mishloach Manot/Gifts to each other:
- Received one bag of goodies to keep and one bag of goodies to give to any family of their choosing (families also wrote notes to their recipients)
- For Festive Meal & Megillah:
- Ate snacks as Leemor and Jill performed a skit about the story of Purim
- Learned a song from Jill during the story
- Children stood in front of the cars to show their costumes and were awarded for their costumes
- Were quizzed on the four mitzvot spoken about above
Shabbat Shalom and Happy Purim!