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What happened at Religious School - 2/27/21

religious school blog Feb 27, 2021


In place of Religious School on Zoom, this Saturday we celebrated Purim in the CBH Parking Lot. The festivities followed the Four Mitzvot of Purim (Gifts for the poor/Matanot l’evyonim, a festive meal, reading the Megillah, and Mishloach Manot) The families that participated:

  • Made signs for their windshields saying “Happy Purim” for their windshields
  • For Matanot l’evyonim/Gifts for the poor:
    • Decorated reusable bags to bring food from home for the GRACE food pantry in Summit
    • Discussed Maimonides’ Levels of Giving, with each family ranking them and placing their answers on the windshield
  • For Mishloach Manot/Gifts to each other:
    • Received one bag of goodies to keep and one bag of goodies to give to any family of their choosing (families also wrote notes to their recipients)
  • For Festive Meal & Megillah:
    • Ate snacks as Leemor and Jill performed a skit about the story of Purim
    • Learned a song from Jill during the story
  • Children stood in front of the cars to show their costumes and were awarded for their costumes
  • Were quizzed on the four mitzvot spoken about above


Shabbat Shalom and Happy Purim!


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